The definition of happiness is often argued about. Whether it be in the presence of family or earning the most money, what creates happiness is rather controversial. In a visual text, there are signs instructing rats on what to do to ensure that they will reach happiness that is "just around the corner." In a visual text using neutral colors and expressive diction, the author is able to show how the definition of happiness is often made superficial.
This cartoon only uses black and white to convey its message. It reflects the overall decision that someone is faced with while reading this text. It opposes the idea of the text as the definition of happiness is not just black and white. It is not either you have it or you don't have it. It makes it seem as though you have to do the things listed in the bold font or there is absolutely no way that you will ever be able to reach your nirvana. You have to work harder, earn more money, and buy more things. These superficial strategies in order to become happier are showing what society does in order to find their happiness. To many, it seems that you have to work hard to get a successful job which will lead to making more money and then having the ability to drown your sorrows in your possessions.
By using expressive diction, the advertisements focuses on how people are raised and taught in order to find their happiness. In short and simple commands, the diction reflects what many parents teach their kids. Many kids in America are trained to work hard in school so you can earn a lot of money and be able to have a nice house with an expensive car and so on... It opposes the last statement that says "keep going." That last phrase has more of a positive and encouraging tone to it. It is one that actually enables someone to find that happiness in the corner rather than sacrifice time and effort in order to find unnatural happiness.
I believe that the author was able to achieve their purpose. It made a point that is extremely evident today as our society is fueled by everyone wanting to find happiness, even if it is done in the more superficial of ways.
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